

Products and features to help restaurants and pubs reopen

Get started with OpenTable

Create QR codes to quickly connect with guests

A easy and no-cost way to update menus, booking details, safety precautions and more, the possibilities are endless.


girl with phone

Keep guests informed about safety measures

With OpenTable you can highlight safety precautions on your restaurant profile page to help ease diner concerns and put them at ease.

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Reduce no-shows and last minute cancellations

Secure reservations with credit card requirements and prepayment. OpenTable gives you peace of mind when it comes to no-shows.

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A better way to waitlist

Allow guests to get in line before they get to your restaurant. Avoid crowding the host stand or outside and make the waiting experience more convenient for guests.

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Offer your outdoor seating to diners

Diners will be looking for more outdoor seating options. OpenTable has multiple floorplan management tools that helps you promote your outdoor dining spaces.

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Fill short-notice cancellations

OpenTable now has availability alerts for diners, providing you with a new avenue to fill last minute cancellations, while also delighting guests that are eager to snag a spot at your restaurant.

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Control your restaurant’s cover capacity

Opening back up for dine-in bookings means reducing your capacity according to government guidelines. OpenTable allows restaurants to easily set their capacity limits to ensure you are only offering reservations at times where your capacity is not yet met.

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Get discovered by undecided diners

With Promoted Results, tap into the largest dining network in the world to fill your slow days and shifts.

Get started with promoted results